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Welcome to the
Pebblebrook HS
Counseling Website

Students & Parents:
Take this quick 15 min. tour of Naviance by clicking on "Naviance Overview" video link below.

What can students do in the Naviance student program?
Research colleges—Compare grade point average, standardized test scores and other statistics to actual historical data from our schools for students who have applied and been admitted in the past.
Research careers—Research hundreds of careers and career clusters, and take career assessments.
Create plans for the future—Create goals and to-dos, and complete tasks assigned by the school to better prepare your student for future college and career goals.
Naviance Student also lets us share information with you and your student about upcoming meetings and events, local scholarship opportunities, and other resources for college and career information.
STUDENT Login Instructions
**You CANNOT Google "Naviance" to gain access** ​
Go to the Cobb County website.
Click on Find It Fast.
Click on Naviance.
If you are on a CCSD campus, you will automatically be logged into Naviance.
If you are off-campus, you will need to use your Office 365 credentials to log in.
Office 365 credentials can be found in Student View.

Parent Login Instructions
Go to the Naviance website.
Enter the zip code for your student’s school.
Click on your student’s school.
Enter your Naviance login credentials.
If you do not know this information please contact your school counselor.
How-To Videos for Naviance
*Seniors should only request transcripts if they are actively applying to the school vs. "thinking about" applying to the school
**Before requesting a LOR, students should ask FIRTST if the person is willing to write a LOR. Also, they should give the person at least two weeks advanced notice before the due date.
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